Tutorial: bedrock-ledger-agent


Bedrock Ledger Agent

Build Status

A bedrock module for the creation and management of Web Ledger Agents. The Web Ledger ecosystem consists of Ledger Agents, Ledger Nodes, Ledgers, Blocks, and Events.

An image of the Web Ledger ecosystem


  • GET /ledger-agents
    • Get a list of all ledger agents
  • POST /ledger-agents?owner={OWNER_ID}
    • Create a new ledger agent
  • GET /ledger-agent/{AGENT_ID}
    • Get status information on a particular ledger agent
  • POST /ledger-agent/{AGENT_ID}/config
    • Add a new configuration
  • POST /ledger-agent/{AGENT_ID}/operations
    • Add a new operation
  • GET /ledger-agent/{AGENT_ID}/events?id=EVENT_ID
    • Get an existing event
  • GET /ledger-agent/{AGENT_ID}/blocks?id=BLOCK_ID
    • Get an existing block
  • GET /ledger-agent/{AGENT_ID}/query
    • Query the current state of an object in the system

The Ledger Agent API

  • Ledger Agent API
    • api.add(actor, ledgerNodeId, options, (err, ledgerAgent))
    • api.get(actor, agentId, options, (err, ledgerAgent))
    • api.remove(actor, agentId, options, callback(err))
    • api.getAgentIterator(actor, options, callback(err, iterator))

Quick Examples

npm install bedrock-ledger-agent
const agent = require('bedrock-ledger-agent');
const actor = 'admin';
const agentId = 'https://example.com/ledger-agents/eb8c22dc';
const options = {};

agent.get(actor, agentId, options, (err, ledgerAgent) => {
  ledgerAgent.node.events.add( /* new ledger event details go here */);
    /* ... do other operations on the ledger */


For documentation on configuration, see config.js.

Ledger Agent API

Add a Ledger Agent

Create a new ledger agent given a set of options. If a ledgerNodeId is provided, a new ledger agent will be created to connect to an existing ledger. If a ledgerConfiguration is specified in the options, a new ledger and corresponding ledger node will be created, ignoring any specified ledgerNodeId.

  • actor - the actor performing the action.
  • ledgerNodeId - the ID for the ledger node to connect to.
  • options - a set of options used when creating the agent.
    • ledgerConfiguration - the configuration for the ledger.
    • genesis - if true, create an entirely new genesis ledger (default: false).
    • storage - the storage subsystem for the ledger (default: 'mongodb').
    • public - if false, only the actor should be able to access the created ledger, if true, anyone can access (default: false).
  • callback(err, ledger) - the callback to call when finished.
    • err - An Error if an error occurred, null otherwise
    • ledgerAgent - the ledger agent associated with the agent.
const ledgerConfiguration = {
  '@context': 'https://w3id.org/webledger/v1',
  type: 'WebLedgerConfiguration',
  ledger: 'did:v1:eb8c22dc-bde6-4315-92e2-59bd3f3c7d59',
  consensusMethod: 'UnilateralConsensus2017'
  ledgerConfigurationValidator: [{
    type: 'SignatureValidator2017',
    validatorFilter: [{
      type: 'ValidatorFilterByType',
      validatorFilterByType: ['WebLedgerConfiguration']
    approvedSigner: [
    minimumSignaturesRequired: 1
  operationValidator: [{
    type: 'SignatureValidator2017',
    validatorFilter: [{
      type: 'ValidatorFilterByType',
      validatorFilterByType: ['CreateWebLedgerRecord']
    approvedSigner: [
    minimumSignaturesRequired: 1
  proof: {
    type: 'RsaSignature2018',
    created: '2017-10-24T05:33:31Z',
    creator: 'did:v1:53ebca61-5687-4558-b90a-03167e4c2838/keys/144',
    domain: 'example.com',
    jws: 'eyiOiJJ0eXAK...EjXkgFWFO'
const options = {
  genesis: true

agent.add(actor, null, options, (err, ledgerAgent) => {
  if(err) {
    throw new Error('Failed to create ledger agent:', err);

  console.log('Ledger agent created:', ledgerAgent.id);

Get a Specific Ledger Agent

Gets a ledger agent given an agentId and a set of options.

  • actor - the actor performing the action.
  • agentId - the URI of the agent.
  • options - a set of options used when creating the agent.
  • callback(err, ledgerAgent) - the callback to call when finished.
    • err - An Error if an error occurred, null otherwise
    • ledgerAgent - A ledger agent that can be used to instruct the ledger node to perform certain actions.
const actor = 'admin';
const agentId = 'https://example.com/ledger-agents/eb8c22dc';
const options = {};

agent.get(actor, agentId, options, (err, ledgerAgent) => {
  if(err) {
    throw new Error('Failed to get ledger agent:', err);

  console.log('Ledger agent retrieved', ledgerAgent.id);

Remove a Ledger Agent

Remove an existing ledger agent given an agentId and a set of options.

  • actor - the actor performing the action.
  • agentId - the URI of the agent.
  • options - a set of options used when removing the agent.
  • callback(err) - the callback to call when finished.
    • err - An Error if an error occurred, null otherwise
const agentId = 'https://example.com/ledger-agents/eb8c22dc';
const options = {};

agent.remove(actor, agentId, options, err => {
  if(err) {
    throw new Error('Failed to remove ledger agent:', err);

  console.log('Ledger agent removed.');

Iterate Through All Ledger Agents

Gets an iterator that will iterate over all ledger agents in the system. The iterator will return a ledger agent which can be used to operate on the corresponding ledger node.

  • actor - the actor performing the action.
  • options - a set of options to use when retrieving the list.
  • callback(err, iterator) - the callback to call when finished.
    • err - An Error if an error occurred, null otherwise
    • iterator - An iterator that returns a list of ledger agents.
const actor = 'admin';
const options = {};

bedrockagent.getagentIterator(actor, options, (err, iterator) => {
  if(err) {
    throw new Error('Failed to fetch iterator for ledger agents:', err);

  for(const ledgerAgent of iterator) {
    console.log('Ledger agent:',  ledgerAgent.id);