Tutorial: bedrock-ledger-node


Bedrock Ledger Node

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A bedrock module for the creation and management of Web Ledgers. The Web Ledger ecosystem consists of Ledger Agents, Ledger Nodes, Ledgers, Blocks, and Events. This API enables the management of ledger nodes, ledgers, blocks, and events.

An image of the Web Ledger ecosystem

The Ledger Node API

  • Ledger Node API
    • api.add(actor, options, (err, ledgerNode))
    • api.get(actor, ledgerId, options, (err, ledgerNode))
    • api.remove(actor, ledgerId, options, callback(err))
    • api.getNodeIterator(actor, options, callback(err, iterator))
  • Ledger Node Metadata API
    • ledgerNode.meta.get(options, (err, ledgerMeta))
  • Ledger Node Blocks API
    • ledgerNode.blocks.get(blockId, options, callback(err, block))
  • Ledger Node Config API
    • ledgerNode.config.change(ledgerConfiguration, options, (err))
  • Ledger Node Events API
    • ledgerNode.events.get(eventId, options, (err, event))
  • Ledger Node Operations API
    • ledgerNode.operations.add(operation, options, (err))
  • Ledger State Machine API
    • ledgerNode.stateMachine.get(objectId, options, (err, object))
  • Ledger Node Plugin API
    • api.use(options, mongodbStorageApi)

Quick Examples

npm install bedrock-ledger-node bedrock-ledger-storage-mongodb bedrock-ledger-validator-signature
const brLedgerNode = require('bedrock-ledger-node');

const actor = 'admin';
const ledgerId = 'did:v1:eb8c22dc-bde6-4315-92e2-59bd3f3c7d59';

brLedgerNode.get(actor, ledgerId, options, (err, ledgerNode) => {
  ledgerNode.operations.add( /* new ledger operation details go here */);
    /* ... do other operations on the ledger */


For documentation on configuration, see config.js.

Ledger Node API

Create a Ledger Node

Creates a new ledger node. The given options will determine if the ledger node will become the first node for a new ledger or if it will mirror and existing ledger.

If options.ledgerConfiguration is given, then a new ledger will be created and the ledger node will be its first member.

If a options.genesisBlock is given, then an existing ledger will be mirrored by the new ledger node.

  • actor - the actor performing the action.
  • options - a set of options used when creating the ledger.
    • configEvent - the configuration event for a brand new ledger.
    • genesisBlock - the genesis block for an existing ledger.
    • peerLedgerAgents - a list of Web Ledger Agent peer URLs to associate
    • with the ledger node; these may be optionally used by a consensus
    • method.
    • storage - the storage subsystem for the ledger (default: 'mongodb').
    • owner - the owner of the ledger node (default: undefined, anyone can access the node).
  • callback(err, ledger) - the callback to call when finished.
    • err - An Error if an error occurred, null otherwise
    • ledgerNode - the ledger node associated with the ledger.
const ledgerConfiguration = {
  '@context': 'https://w3id.org/webledger/v1',
  type: 'WebLedgerConfiguration',
  ledger: 'did:v1:eb8c22dc-bde6-4315-92e2-59bd3f3c7d59',
  consensusMethod: 'UnilateralConsensus2017',
  ledgerConfigurationValidator: [{
    type: 'SignatureValidator2017',
    validatorFilter: [{
      type: 'ValidatorFilterByType',
      validatorFilterByType: ['WebLedgerConfiguration']
    approvedSigner: [
    minimumSignaturesRequired: 1
  operationValidator: [{
    type: 'SignatureValidator2017',
    validatorFilter: [{
      type: 'ValidatorFilterByType',
      validatorFilterByType: ['CreateWebLedgerRecord']
    approvedSigner: [
    minimumSignaturesRequired: 1
  proof: {
    type: 'RsaSignature2018',
    created: '2017-10-24T05:33:31Z',
    creator: 'did:v1:53ebca61-5687-4558-b90a-03167e4c2838/keys/144',
    domain: 'example.com',
    jws: 'eyiOiJJ0eXAK...EjXkgFWFO'
const options = {
  owner: 'https://example.com/i/123'

brLedgerNode.add(actor, options, (err, ledgerNode) => {
  if(err) {
    throw new Error('Failed to create ledger node:', err);

  console.log('Ledger node and new ledger created:', ledgerNode.ledger);

Get a Specific Ledger Node

Gets a ledger node given a ledgerId and a set of options.

  • actor - the actor performing the action.
  • ledgerId - the URI of the ledger.
  • options - a set of options used when creating the ledger.
    • storage - the storage subsystem for the ledger (default 'mongodb').
  • callback(err, ledgerNode) - the callback to call when finished.
    • err - An Error if an error occurred, null otherwise
    • ledgerNode - A ledger node that can be used to perform actions on the ledger.
const actor = 'admin';
const ledgerId = 'did:v1:eb8c22dc-bde6-4315-92e2-59bd3f3c7d59';
const options = {};

ledger.get(actor,  ledgerId, options, (err, ledgerNode) => {
  if(err) {
    throw new Error('Failed to create ledger:', err);

  console.log('Ledger created', ledgerNode.ledgerId);

Delete a Ledger

Delete an existing ledger given a ledgerId and a set of options.

  • actor - the actor performing the action.
  • ledgerId - the URI of the ledger.
  • options - a set of options used when deleting the ledger.
  • callback(err) - the callback to call when finished.
    • err - An Error if an error occurred, null otherwise
const ledgerId = 'did:v1:eb8c22dc-bde6-4315-92e2-59bd3f3c7d59';
const options = {};

ledger.remove(actor, ledgerId, options, err => {
  if(err) {
    throw new Error('Failed to delete ledger:', err);

  console.log('Ledger deleted.');

Iterate Through All Ledgers

Gets an iterator that will iterate over all ledgers in the system. The iterator will return a ledgerNodeMeta which contains an id that can be passed to the api.get() call to fetch an instance of the ledgerNode storage for the associated ledger.

  • actor - the actor performing the action.
  • options - a set of options to use when retrieving the list.
  • callback(err, iterator) - the callback to call when finished.
    • err - An Error if an error occurred, null otherwise
    • iterator - An iterator that returns ledgerNodeMeta objects.
const actor = 'admin';
const options = {};

bedrockLedger.getNodeIterator(actor, options, (err, iterator) => {
  if(err) {
    throw new Error('Failed to fetch iterator for ledger nodes:', err);

  for(let ledgerNodeMeta of iterator) {
    console.log('Ledger node:',  ledgerNodeMeta);

Metadata API

Get Ledger Metadata

Gets metadata associated with the ledger, such as most recent configuration block and latest consensus block, given a set of options.

  • options - a set of options used when retrieving the ledger metadata.
  • callback(err) - the callback to call when finished.
    • err - An Error if an error occurred, null otherwise.
    • ledgerMeta - metadata about the ledger.
ledgerNode.meta.get(options, (err, ledgerMeta) => {
  if(err) {
    throw new Error('Ledger metadata retrieval failed:', err);

  console.log('Ledger metadata:', ledgerMeta);

Blocks API

Get a Ledger Block

Gets a block from the ledger given a blockID and a set of options.

  • blockId - the URI of the block to fetch.
  • options - a set of options used when retrieving the block.
  • callback(err) - the callback to call when finished.
    • err - An Error if an error occurred, null otherwise.
const blockId = 'did:v1:eb8c22dc-bde6-4315-92e2-59bd3f3c7d59/blocks/1';
const options = {};

ledgerNode.blocks.get(blockId, options, (err, block) => {
  if(err) {
    throw new Error('Block retrieval failed:', err);

  console.log('Retrieved block:', blocks);

Gets the genesis block

Gets the genesis block from a ledger given a set of options.

  • options - a set of options used when retrieving the block.
  • callback(err) - the callback to call when finished.
    • err - An Error if an error occurred, null otherwise.
    • result - the genesis block from the ledger.
const options = {};

ledgerNode.blocks.getGenesis(options, (err, result) => {
  if(err) {
    throw new Error('Block retrieval failed:', err);

  console.log('Retrieved genesis block:',
    result.genesisBlock.block, result.genesisBlock.meta);

Gets the latest blocks

Gets the latest blocks from a ledger given a set of options.

  • options - a set of options used when retrieving the block.
  • callback(err) - the callback to call when finished.
    • err - An Error if an error occurred, null otherwise.
    • result - the latest blocks from the ledger.
const options = {};

ledgerNode.blocks.getLatest(options, (err, result) => {
  if(err) {
    throw new Error('Block retrieval failed:', err);

  console.log('Retrieved latest block:',
    result.latest.block, result.latest.meta);

Config API

Change a Ledger's configuration

Schedules a change to the ledger's configuration. The particular consensus mechanism for the ledger will determine what event to place the new ledgerConfiguration in and when that event achieves consensus. Different consensus mechanisms will behave differently. Once the event containing the operation achieves consensus, the new configuration will be applied via the ledger's state machine if it is considered valid at that time.

  • ledgerConfiguration - the new ledger configuration to use.
  • options - a set of options used when adding the ledger configuration.
  • callback(err) - the callback to call when finished.
    • err - An Error if an error occurred, null otherwise.
const ledgerConfiguration = {
  '@context': 'https://w3id.org/webledger/v1',
  type: 'WebLedgerConfiguration',
  ledger: 'did:v1:eb8c22dc-bde6-4315-92e2-59bd3f3c7d59',
  consensusMethod: 'UnilateralConsensus2017',
  ledgerConfigurationValidator: [{
    type: 'SignatureValidator2017',
    validatorFilter: [{
      type: 'ValidatorFilterByType',
      validatorFilterByType: ['WebLedgerConfiguration']
    approvedSigner: [
    minimumSignaturesRequired: 1
  operationValidator: [{
    type: 'SignatureValidator2017',
    validatorFilter: [{
      type: 'ValidatorFilterByType',
      validatorFilterByType: ['CreateWebLedgerRecord']
    approvedSigner: [
    minimumSignaturesRequired: 1
  proof: {
    type: 'RsaSignature2018',
    created: '2017-10-24T05:33:31Z',
    creator: 'did:v1:53ebca61-5687-4558-b90a-03167e4c2838/keys/144',
    domain: 'example.com',
    jws: 'eyiOiJJ0eXAK...EjXkgFWFO'
const options = {};

ledgerNode.config.change(ledgerConfiguration, options, err => {
  if(err) {
    throw new Error('Failed to change the configuration:', err);

  console.log('Ledger configuration change scheduled.');

Operations API

Add a Ledger Operation

Adds an operation to mutate the state of the ledger. The particular consensus mechanism for the ledger will determine what event to place the operation in and when that event achieves consensus. Different consensus mechanisms will behave differently. Once the event containing the operation achieves consensus, the operation will be applied via the ledger's state machine if it is considered valid at that time.

  • operation - the operation to perform.
  • options - a set of options used when adding the operation.
  • callback(err) - the callback to call when finished.
    • err - An Error if an error occurred, null otherwise.
const operation = {
  '@context': 'https://w3id.org/webledger/v1',
  type: 'CreateWebLedgerRecord',
  record: {
    '@context': 'https://schema.org/',
    id: 'https://example.com/events/123456',
    type: 'Concert',
    name: 'Big Band Concert in New York City',
    startDate: '2017-07-14T21:30',
    location: 'https://example.org/the-venue',
    offers: {
      type: 'Offer',
      price: '13.00',
      priceCurrency: 'USD',
      url: 'https://www.ticketfly.com/purchase/309433'
  proof: {
    type: 'RsaSignature2018',
    created: '2017-05-10T19:47:15Z',
    creator: 'https://www.ticketfly.com/keys/789',
    jws: 'JoS27wqa...BFMgXIMw=='
const options = {};

ledgerNode.operations.add(operation, options, err => {
  if(err) {
    throw new Error('Failed to add the operation:', err);

  console.log('Operation addition successful.');

Events API

Get a Ledger Event

Gets an event associated with the ledger given an eventID and a set of options.

  • eventId - the event to fetch from the ledger.
  • options - a set of options used when retrieving the event.
  • callback(err) - the callback to call when finished.
    • err - An Error if an error occurred, null otherwise.
    • event - the event that was retrieved from the database.
const eventId = 'ni:///sha-256;cGBSKHn2cBJ563oSt3SAf4OxZXXfwtSxj1xFO5LtkGkW';

ledgerNode.events.get(eventId, options, (err, event) => {
  if(err) {
    throw new Error('Event retrieval failed:', err);

  console.log('Event retrieval successful:', events);

State Machine API

Get an Object

Gets an object associated with the state machine of ledger given an objectId and a set of options.

  • objectId - the object to fetch from the state machine.
  • options - a set of options used when retrieving the object.
  • callback(err) - the callback to call when finished.
    • err - An Error if an error occurred, null otherwise.
    • object - the object that was retrieved from the database.
const objectId = 'https://example.com/objects/1234';

ledgerNode.stateMachne.get(objectId, options, (err, object) => {
  if(err) {
    throw new Error('Object retrieval failed:', err);

  console.log('Object retrieval successful:', object);

Ledger Plugin Registration API

Registers or retrieves a ledger plugin.

A plugin can be registered to extend the capabilities of the ledger subsystem by adding new storage, consensus, and authorization mechanisms.

  • capabilityName (required) - the name of the capability
  • [capabilityValue | callback] - either the value of the capability or a callback function to receive the value when used as an asynchronous getter. A capabilityValue must be an object with these properties:
    • type - type type of plugin (e.g. 'storage', 'authorization', 'consensus')
    • api - the javascript API for the plugin

Returns the capabilityValue when used as a synchronous getter (no callback function is passed as the second parameter).

// this code would be executed in a plugin
const brLedgerNode = require('bedrock-ledger-node');

// register a plugin
brLedgerNode.use('mongodb', {
  type: 'storage',
  api: mongodbStorageApi

// get a plugin synchronously
const plugin = brLedgerNode.use('mongodb');
// plugin.type
// plugin.api